Saturday, May 1, 2010

The new kits are up...

Seven new kits hit the internet today.  As always, some great kits up from the designers.  I loved Jen's Going Banana's when I saw it awhile back, I didn't think it was going to make it as the paper had almost been discontinued.  I am also happy to report that I have 3 kits up today - Little Prince, Little Princess and Older Than Dirt.  I have all three pictured here.  Let me know what you think of the whole kit rather than just the sneak peek I showed the other day.  I love seeing the kits go live on the 1st of the month.  Most of the designs aren't a suprise to me as I see most of the kits at Christy's as I do some admin work for the company but, seeing them go up means we suceeded as a company and were able to find all the product which is really a challenge for Cindy these days with so many companies only doing one run on a paper line and with the paper lines changing so fast.

Also, Happy National Scrapbook Day to all my fellow scrappers ... and of course, stampers get some love too!

Little Prince

Little Princess

older than dirt

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